"For with God, nothing is impossible".
If it was possible for the sin of one man to make you a sinner, then it's not impossible for the righteousness of one man to make you righteous.
If it was possible for you to be doomed for Hell because of one man's sin, it's possible for you to be saved by one man's resurrection.
The Old man was of a sinful nature but the New creation man is of an Immortal, incorruptible and righteous nature.
Those who are born again are not born in or of the flesh but of the Spirit. There are not born of the Earthly but of the Heavenly. They are not born of Man but of God!
When you judge your nature by the understanding of the flesh, you misinterpret and misunderstand who you really are.
You are righteous. You are Holy. You are without blemish or spots. God is pleased with you. You are the Righteousness of God.
That's who you really are!
How did it all happen?
"For with God, nothing is impossible".
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